Throughout our lives we have events that
restrict us. Events that were emotionally charged, like losing a loved one, accidents
or never living up to our parent’s expectations.
If these events are not complete, if the
emotional charge is not released they will continue to use energy and restrict
our lives.
Take the following story and while reading
insert your version of events.
Your father was hard on you to be your best creating a belief that “I’m not
good enough”
You injure your knee at sports. There goes your dreams of playing
You keep
running any way through determination. Your knee doesn’t improve and it becomes
the scapegoat for all your problems.
Relationship tension through unmet expectations. You thought you would have had
more by now. Your plans for your life are
falling behind.
Boss: Your
boss criticises your work.
Result: Neck
Your boss didn’t cause the neck pain you
just went over the threshold of what the body can deal with.
Each event because it was not complete
continues to use up a portion of your daily energy supply. For the sake of this
story if 10% is allocated to each event 50% of your daily energy supply is continuing
to be used to deal with the past.
With only 50% of your daily energy supply
left the body and mind can’t grow or repair well. What does that mean for you?
You can’t relax and don’t sleep
Simple illnesses happen often
like colds or headaches.
The neck pain comes back every
time there is a little extra stress.
When major stress occurs your
health falls in a heap.
BodyTalk is an energy therapy that releases
the past so you have maximum energy for the present. This allows you to heal
those pains and be way under the threshold so that they don’t return.
Tricia Butler, Certified BodyTalk
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