Friday, 2 October 2015

When Pain Returns

Throughout our lives we have events that restrict us. Events that were emotionally charged, like losing a loved one, accidents or never living up to our parent’s expectations.
If these events are not complete, if the emotional charge is not released they will continue to use energy and restrict our lives.
Take the following story and while reading insert your version of events.

Father: Your father was hard on you to be your best creating a belief that “I’m not good enough”
Injury: You injure your knee at sports. There goes your dreams of playing professionally.
Running: You keep running any way through determination. Your knee doesn’t improve and it becomes the scapegoat for all your problems.
Family: Relationship tension through unmet expectations. You thought you would have had more by now. Your plans for your life are falling behind.
Boss: Your boss criticises your work.
Result: Neck Pain.
Your boss didn’t cause the neck pain you just went over the threshold of what the body can deal with.
Each event because it was not complete continues to use up a portion of your daily energy supply. For the sake of this story if 10% is allocated to each event 50% of your daily energy supply is continuing to be used to deal with the past.
With only 50% of your daily energy supply left the body and mind can’t grow or repair well.  What does that mean for you?
-        You can’t relax and don’t sleep well.
-        Simple illnesses happen often like colds or headaches.
-        The neck pain comes back every time there is a little extra stress.
-        When major stress occurs your health falls in a heap.
BodyTalk is an energy therapy that releases the past so you have maximum energy for the present. This allows you to heal those pains and be way under the threshold so that they don’t return.
Tricia Butler, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Neural Organisation Technique (NOT)

Neural Organization Technique is a specialised branch of Kinesiology which works through our central nervous system to restore structural, bio-chemical and emotional balance. Our neural organisation is what enables us to survive and function in every possible situation. It is self-healing, self-regulating and self-perpetuating but it can be thrown off balance by physical or emotional trauma or poor diet.
Developed by Dr Carl Ferreri DC in 1979 this technique is based on his observations of how the body's primal survival systems of feeding, fight or flight, reproduction, and the immune system are organised.  Dr Ferreri realised that no matter what the circumstances, how big or how small, it must always involve one or more of these survival systems.
These innate systems are in place to insure our ability to respond to certain stimuli, to sustain, protect, repair and/or create new life i.e. survival of the individual and survival of the species. He then went on to developed specific protocols to create harmony and reprogramme the whole body’s organisation and function.

Although there are only four basic survival systems, there is a very complex array of interactions, which are found to organize our bodily functions.  Dr Ferreri discovered that when the neurology of these primal survival systems becomes disorganised it leads to problems in the body's structure and function. This can include back pain, headaches, problems in walking or moving freely, digestive disorders, endocrine and hormonal imbalance, jaw misalignment, cranial problems, learning difficulties.  It can also contribute to numerous other health related problems

Trying to address structural or functional difficulties without addressing the relevant neurological short-circuiting is like changing a light bulb when the real problem is that you have blown a fuse.
NOT can be used as a stand-alone technique or with other kinesiology modalities for almost all client problems that may present in a clinical setting.

Dr Robyn Arnold Bsc MChiro has over 22 years' experience as a Chiropractor working in rural South Australia from Ceduna to Streaky Bay; Clare and the Barossa Valley.

In 1993 she trained with Dr Reza Samvat in the NOT technique. She is a qualified Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner. Robyn is also trained in iQ instrument adjusting which she studied with Dr Chris Colloca from Canada. This technique was specifically created to deliver gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments to the joints of the spine and extremities to relieve pain and restore function.

Robyn has an interest in Cold Laser Therapy for reducing pain and improving micro-circulation along with Acoustic Wave Therapy and pain management.
Appointments are available now by phone The House of Healing on 8431 9288.
Your Health is our Passion!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Proline Syndrome

Do you suffer with reflux, excess wind, gut pain, diarrhoea, constipation, tiredness, chronic fatigue, fuzzy head, food intolerances, mood swings, insomnia, allergies and much more?  Then you may have a problem digesting proline.  We can help you…………….

Proline is a nonessential amino acid and the precursor to hydroxyproline which is a major amino acid found in the connective tissue of the body - collagen.  Proline is different from other amino acids as when it is combined with protein its structure imparts a rigid formation which makes it difficult to digest.

Some proteins in foods we commonly ear have multiple amino acid sequences that prevent our digestive systems from breaking them down so that they can be metabolised efficiently.  Our failure to break down these proteins in our gastrointestinal tract means the nutritional value of the food is reduced and a wide range of symptoms are produced.

When these digestion resistant proteins have amino acids in the ‘multiple amino acid sequences’, they are also able to stimulate the immune system of the body and are seen as a potential threat.  These proteins can then cause food intolerances and sensitivities and if left untreated lead to disease.

In Australia over 30% of the population have the genes to experience food intolerance and sensitivities.  Some intolerances may become rapidly life-threatening such as a peanut allergy.  Others develop over a period of time and increase with continual exposure.

Extensive scientific studies worldwide have established a direct link to food intolerances and a wide range of health issues including obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic digestive disorders, dermatitis, psoriasis, autism, ADHA, depression, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome irritable bowel syndrome and much more.  The symptoms depend on the particular food intolerances and can vary greatly from one person to another.

By using the correct digestive supplement to break down the digestion resistant immune genic proteins, it will then prevent the immune system reacting adversely to the foods; allow the food to be more efficiently metabolised early in the small intestine, so it does not proceed to the large intestine undigested, where bacterial fermentation my cause an increase in acidity, a change in bacteria culture, the release of toxins and a change in fatty acid absorption. 

Foods high in Proline

Vegetables: Asparagus, avocados, bamboo shoots, beans, beetroot, broccoli,  cabbage, capsicum, carrot, chives, legumes, seaweed,  spinach, tomato, watercress   
Dairy Products: All, Caseinate, Lactablbumin, whey, cheese and soy
Meat:  Beef, lamb, pork                                Poultry: Turkey, chicken, duck and emu 
Fish: Tinned tuna, Ling, Pike, Pacific and Atlantic Cod, Haddock, Perch, Mackerel, Monkfish, Shrimp, Crab                     
Grains: Whole, brown rice bran, sunflower and sesame seeds        
Nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Pistachio 

Many of the above foods are difficult to avoid especially if you are on a high protein diet.  Please use a rotation diet so you have eggs one day, fish the next, meat the next etc.  If you have had a Food Test please continue to avoid the foods that you have a personal intolerance or sensitivity to.

The House of Healing offers a simple non-invasive test to ascertain your proline status and then you can take immediate steps to treat your condition.  30 minute appointment $50.  Bookings essential.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Bowel Cancer Awareness


The latest information from Bowel Cancer Australia tells us that ‘it is estimated that changes in diet and physical activity could reduce the incidence of bowel cancer by up to 75%’.  15,151 Australians are told they have bowel cancer each year, including 1,091 people under the age of 50.  Don’t be one of the statistics.  Be aware of risk factors associated with this fatal disease and how your diet and lifestyle can help prevent bowel cancer. 

According to Bowel Cancer Australia there is convincing evidence that higher levels of physical activity protect against colon cancer.  Diets that are high in saturated fat, meat protein and calories and low in plant fibre pose a high risk. Convincing evidence also suggests that consumption of foods containing dietary fibre protect against bowel cancer.  Colonic inflammation and vitamin D deficiency is also associated with bowel cancer. 

Proper nutrition, diet and physical activity are essential factors to help prevent this disease. 

Remember, bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer.  The risk of bowel cancer increases with age and with around 25% of cases there is a family history or hereditary component.  90% of cases can be treated successfully and early screening every 1-2 years from age 50 could save your life.  

For more information on dietary and lifestyle tips for a healthy and happy bowel, contact one of our friendly staff at the House of Healing.  Your Health is Our Passion!

These facts and more are available at Bowel Cancer Australia: