Copper Toxicity
Anyone who suffers from headaches, fatigue,
insomnia, depression, skin rashes, learning disorders or premenstrual syndrome
may have a copper imbalance.
Copper is an essential
trace element that is vital to the proper functioning of organs and metabolic
processes. The human body has complex
homeostatic mechanisms which attempt to ensure a constant supply of available
copper while eliminating excess copper when it occurs. Too much or too little ingestion of copper
can result in a corresponding condition of excess or deficiency in the body
which has its own unique set of adverse health effects. Copper Toxicity is a condition in which
copper is retained and begins to build up in the body tissues. This condition is quite common however it is
also commonly undiagnosed. Excess copper
in the tissues can develop for a variety of reasons, some of us being more
prone to a buildup then others.
High Risk Factors...
♦ A slower metabolism may contribute to copper accumulation
♦ Women are found to be more prone to copper accumulation due to the female hormone
oestrogen increasing copper retention
♦ Excessive stress or insufficient adrenal function. This can occur due to stress
♦ A slower metabolism may contribute to copper accumulation
♦ Women are found to be more prone to copper accumulation due to the female hormone
oestrogen increasing copper retention
♦ Excessive stress or insufficient adrenal function. This can occur due to stress
dramatically decreasing zinc levels, coppers
primary antagonist. Weak adrenals may
result in a lack of hormones that stimulate
the liver to remove excess copper.
♦ Exposure to environmental copper on a regular basis
♦ The use of oestrogen medications such as the birth control pill
♦ Vegetarian Diet or a Zinc Deficient diet
♦ Dental Fillings
♦ Exposure to environmental copper on a regular basis
♦ The use of oestrogen medications such as the birth control pill
♦ Vegetarian Diet or a Zinc Deficient diet
♦ Dental Fillings
The circulation and proper utilisation of copper in the body requires good functioning of the liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands. Impaired function of these organs result in excess copper as your body fails to utilise or excrete copper. Initially copper can build up in the liver, further impairing its ability to excrete copper. An increase in copper retention affects the nervous system, female and male reproductive systems and connective tissues including the joints, hair, skin and nails.
What you should know about the Metabolism of
♦ Absorption
Thirty to sixty percent of ingested copper is absorbed through the intestinal tract. Certain minerals and heavy toxic metals compete for absorption with copper, including calcium, iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury. Zinc is a primary copper antagonist. Vitamin C inhibits copper absorption. Sulphur and molybdenum may also inhibit absorption of copper. Absorption of copper is increased by the presence of amino acids. A diet lacking protein intake or impaired protein digestion can inhibits copper absorption. Absorption is also hindered by an alkaline intestinal pH.
Thirty to sixty percent of ingested copper is absorbed through the intestinal tract. Certain minerals and heavy toxic metals compete for absorption with copper, including calcium, iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury. Zinc is a primary copper antagonist. Vitamin C inhibits copper absorption. Sulphur and molybdenum may also inhibit absorption of copper. Absorption of copper is increased by the presence of amino acids. A diet lacking protein intake or impaired protein digestion can inhibits copper absorption. Absorption is also hindered by an alkaline intestinal pH.
♦ Retention
Normally copper is bound in the blood to ceruloplasmin (95 percent) and albumin. Organs with a high copper content include the liver, brain, heart and kidneys. However, excess copper can accumulate in almost every organ of the body.
♦ Excretion
Copper is excreted mainly through the bile. Vitamin C binds or chelates copper and facilitates its removal. Zinc and manganese displace copper from the liver. Molybdenum and sulphur bind to copper and greatly facilitate its excretion.
If you suffer with headaches, fatigue,
insomnia, depression, skin rashes, learning disorders or premenstrual syndrome
you may have a copper imbalance.
If you think you have these symptoms you may
want to consider the following sources of copper...
♦ Copper Water Pipes
Copper plumbing was hailed as a great advance in the past. Especially in areas with acidic water, copper can be leached from pipes, leaving in severe cases, a greenish ring on bathroom fixtures. Water that sits in copper pipes can contain dangerously high levels of copper.
♦ Copper Cookware
Copper tea kettles and other copper cookware can be a source of copper toxicity if used frequently over a period of time.
♦ Birth Control Pills and Copper Intrauterine Devices
One of the side effects of the pill is that
it tends to raise copper levels in the body. This is due to the close
association between the hormone oestrogen and copper levels. Several hundred milligrams of copper a year
can easily be absorbed from a copper IUD. Many women still use the Copper - 7
intrauterine birth control device, although it has been taken off the market.
The only intra-uterine birth control device sold today, however, is a copper-T.
These devices can be very harmful for women prone to high copper levels.
♦ Vegetarian Diets and Other High Copper Diets
Many diets today are high in copper. In
particular, vegetarian proteins such as soybeans, nuts, seeds, tofu, avocados
and grains are high in copper content. Soybean protein is coming into wider
usage but can contribute to copper overload.
Other high-copper foods are organ meats, shellfish, wheat germ and bran,
yeast, corn oil, margarine and mushrooms.
♦ Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Copper is frequently added to vitamin
supplements, particularly prenatal vitamins. Although this is a benefit for
some people, it can be harmful for many other women.
♦ Fungicides for Swimming Pools and Foods
♦ Fungicides for Swimming Pools and Foods
Copper sulphate is added to swimming pools
and may be sprayed on fruits and vegetables to retard growth of algae and
♦ Dental Appliances
Copper is still used today in some dental alloys, in fillings, crowns and other appliances.
If you suffer any of these symptoms or are at high risk of copper toxicity or even believe you may be exposed to other heavy metals then it is worthwhile considering a full Heavy Metal Vega Test. New to Clinic are a number of Focus Vega Tests. A 15 minute Focus Vega Test followed by a 15 minute Naturopathic consultation to discuss your results could be of benefit to you.
Eir - Liver
Formula - normally $35.90 - $28.70
Eir Liver Formula is an excellent
detoxifier and rejuvenator for the liver. It contains a powerful
combination of herbs that cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins whilst it nourishes
and strengthen the liver tissues thereby supporting the healthy production of
bile to promote digestion and a healthy metabolism.
A FREE 5 minute Vega Test is available to
ensure this product is 100% tolerated, effective and the exact dose your
body requires.
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