Friday, 29 November 2013

The Festive Season is officially upon us and it is easy to get caught up in the holiday parties and feasts that come along with it. While it is unrealistic to think we can avoid all the goodness wrapped up in the Festive season, the beautiful sunshine we are blessed with over summer can make us feel invincible; however the best way to ensure we bring in the New Year feeling like a million dollars is to remember ‘less is more’.

Remaining motivated while on holidays is no easy task and as our lives get busier and busier we try to pack as much family, hobby and social time in as possible. So don’t we deserve to let our hair down and indulge a little? Of course! We all have our favourite foods we like to treat ourselves to during the Festive Season but overeating can attribute to some extra kilos gained once January starts. A great tip to avoid overeating is to use smaller plates; your portion looks bigger so you still feel like you’re giving yourself that little bit extra!

Another great way to avoid eating too much is to steer clear of going to parties hungry! Saving yourself for eating at parties or functions never works well for your body as your blood sugar level will be low. This means you are more likely to eat whatever is available at the party and will keep nibbling despite the fact you may not be hungry anymore. If you ensure you have eaten a good protein snack 2 hours before attending your party or function you should be able to avoid over indulging in too much naughty food.

The key during the festive Season is to focus on fun and activities rather than food and alcohol. It is summer, so if you want to have an extra bit of indulgence here and there compensate by getting outdoors and getting active. A walk along the beach, a swim in the water, some backyard cricket with the family…. any of these activities to get you and your family and friends active is great to burn off excess calories.

The Festive Season is about enjoying your time with family and friends, sharing great food and wine together in celebration. We made it through the year and with all that life can throw at us that is an achievement in itself! Holidays are our time to relax, rejuvenate and reset for the New Year. Reflect on the choices we have made and look to the future with an open heart and good intentions.

Here at The House of Healing we wish all of you joy, peace and happiness! Have a wonderful Festive Season taking the time to do what makes you happy, whatever that may be….And remember we're always here to assist you with your New Year health and happiness goal!

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Is your body supported by the amount of Minerals in your diet?

These days you don’t have to be a spiritual hippy to be into health. Chances are if you’re reading this blog you are mindful of your health and diet…but have you thought about the essential minerals fuelling your body to produce skin, muscle, and bone every day?
Minerals in our bloodstream carry nutrients and oxygen around our bodies sending nerve signals along brain and body pathways to formulate chemical messengers that shuttle from one organ to another, issuing the instructions that help sustain your amazing life.


Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting together, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help re-build bones, heal wounds, and boost your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage. As important as the air we breathe, the food we nourish ourselves with is a necessary element in receiving good vitamins and minerals to support optimal health. Our body cannot manufacture on its own these minerals in sufficient amounts.
Some examples of these benefits:
  • Strong bones. A combination of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and phosphorus protects your bones against fractures.
  • Prevents birth defects. Taking folic acid supplements early in pregnancy helps prevent brain and spinal birth defects in offspring.
  • Healthy teeth. The mineral fluoride not only helps bone formation but also keeps dental cavities from starting or worsening.
There are two types of minerals the body needs and stores; Major and trace. Both are as important as each other to maintain optimal health; however we just have a larger supply of the major minerals.
One of the key responsibilities of Major minerals is to maintain the proper balance of water in the body. Sodium, chloride, and potassium blaze a trail in doing this. Three other major minerals—calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium—are vital for healthy bones. Sulfur helps stabilize protein structures, including some of those that make up hair, skin, and nails.
These major minerals travel through the body in a range of ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble vitamin. Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption and transport.

Trace minerals work in a different way but are just as important in the tasks they carry out. Iron is crucial for carrying oxygen throughout the body, Fluoride strengthens bones and helps to eliminate tooth decay, Zinc boosts the immune system and helps blood clot and Copper helps form several enzymes, one of which assists with iron metabolism and the creation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Other trace minerals such as molybdenum, selenium and chromium perform equally vital jobs.

At The House of Healing we have several Mineral formulations to support your diet and enhance your body function, this month our Metagenics Mineral Essentials is on special for $28.95 normally $37.30. You can now experience genuine, long lasting health with the assistance of this fantastic product. Book in for a FREE 5 min VEGA Test to ensure this product is 100% tolerated and effective for you, call the clinic on 8431 9288.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Cellulite Problems? Kiss Cellulite Goodbye Forever!

Cellulite Problems?  Kiss Cellulite Goodbye Forever!

Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) is a new revolutionary anti-cellulite and skin tightening process. 

How does AWT work on Connective Tissue?

AWT mechanically vibrates connective tissue in affected areas of the body, improving skins appearance of the body:-
 *  Causing the connective tissue to stretch which increases its elasticity
*  Producing increased vascularisation (the organic process whereby body tissue develops capillaries), ensuring better exchanges to the connective tissue
*  Producing an inflammatory reaction that triggers the release of healing mediators, creating fibroblastic proliferation leading to a new, thickened band of collagen being deposited in the upper and mid portions of the skin.

The History Behind Acoustic Wave Therapy…

The company was established in 1987 and quickly became technology leaders in Shock Wave Treatment.  Shock waves are audible high-energy sound waves.  They occur in the atmosphere, for example during lightening strikes, or when aircraft break through the sound barrier. 

Shockwaves are used in hospitals all over the world.  For the breaking down of kidney stones and gallstones.  They are also used for pain therapy by activating the bodys self healing power enabling damaged tissue to gradually regenerate and eventually heal.

It is during these treatments clients have noticed an improvement in their skins smoothness, reduced appearance of stretch marks and a reduction in circumference measurements that had lead to the introduction of AWT into the cosmetic field.

World renowned Storz Medical have recently modified this ultra modern technology as the treatment now only needs to effect the depth of the skin resulting in a gentler but still effective treatment for cellulite that has been named Acoustic Wave Therapy and for the first time in their lives women can experience life changing results with this revolutionary process.

Understanding the True Cause of Cellulite…

Recent studies have revealed two major causes of cellulite.  The first is a hardening of the connective tissue support system in fat.  These are referred to as connective tissue (Fibrous septae), which are made of collagen.  Over time, these septae harden and contract.  The contraction results in most of the dimpled appearance that characterises cellulite.  Additionally the contraction leads to a blockage of the blood vessels and Lymphatic System.  The blood vessels blockage further hardens the septae.  The lymphatic blockage leads to thick swollen appearing skin. 

As cellulite is a two-fold problem it has been difficult to uncover a treatment that targets both the causes of cellulite, the hardened connective tissue and the protrusion of fat cells. 

The second major cause of cellulite is protrusion of fat cells into the lower part of the skin is known as the ‘reticular dermis’.  This protrusion results in the worsening of the dimpling.

Treatments for cellulite need to address both these issues in order to have really good results.

How does AWT have an effect on the Connective Tissue and Fat Protrusion?

AWT uses pressure waves that impact both the major causes of cellulite; 1) Hardening of the Fibrous Septae (connective tissue) and 2) Protrusion of fat into the lower dermis.
AWT produces a pressure wave that passes through skin and fat to impact the fibrous septae.  The pressure breaks up the collagen of the septae and releases the skin, allowing a smoother surface.  The pressure wave also disrupts the fat cells causing leakage which can be carried away by the blood stream.  AWT also helps to thicken the dermis, the layer of skin which strengthens and restricts fat protrusion. 

Patient Treatment and Results…

Typically patients are treated twice per week for three weeks, with additional sessions generally requiring less than half an hour treatment.  Additional treatments may be necessary in a small subset of patients.  Patients may wish to have a maintenance session once every five months after completing the program. 

Initial Clinical Study results show that AWT patients typically experience:-
*  Improvement in skin texture
*  Improvement in skin elasticity
*  Firming of the skin dermis
*  Circumference reduction

If you are tired of empty promises from creams, pills and exercise AWT may give you results that exceed your expectations.  AWT will get you real results in real time.  This modern highly effective treatment method for smoother and firmer skin is rapid, non invasive and pain free. Available in our Clinic now, so come and experience AWT at The House of Healing for rewarding results.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Do you suffer from Sinus Congestion and Hay fever?

Do you suffer from Sinus Congestion and Hay fever?

Many people suffer in silence from allergies but allergies are not something that you simply have to put up with! It is possible to manage your allergies naturally. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, persistent cough, wheezing, asthma, headaches, and skin disorders such as atopic eczema. If you have allergies it is important not to only be looking at symptom relief.  The underlying causes such as immune imbalances or nutritional deficiencies need to be addressed in order to give you long term relief. Common causes of allergies include reacting to certain foods, food additives and pesticides, grasses and pollens, dust mites, and chemicals in personal products and cleaning products.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms ask us for help to managing your allergies today!

Herbs and Nutrients to Manage Allergies Naturally

Allergies are caused by an immune imbalance. Pharmaceutical medications may help to reduce symptoms but do not address the underlying cause. The following herbs and nutrients may help to manage symptoms of allergies naturally, as well as rebalancing your immune function:

·         Perilla (Perilla frutescens) – a herb that is beneficial in the treatment of hayfever, asthma and sinusitis. It can be used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions, particularly of the upper respiratory tract.

·         Atractylodes (Atractylodes Iancea) – a herb that is beneficial for hayfever, nasal congestion, asthma, and dermatitis. It also helps the immune system to fight colds and respiratory infections.

·         Albizia (Albizia lebbeck) – the anti-allergy properties of the herb albizia are  helpful for hayfever, asthma, sinus congestion and allergic skin conditions such as eczema and hives. It also helps to strengthen the lungs and clear mucous.

·         Quercetin – is a bioflavanoid vitamin that is used for acute or chronic allergies such as hayfever, hives, and asthma. It is also a great antioxidant.

·         Probiotics – there are many different strains of probiotics; the most useful for allergies is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG). This strain has been found to be effective in reducing allergies including eczema.

·         Zinc – plays a very important role in regulating the immune system and is a commonly found deficiency in the Australian population. Optimal zinc levels are crucial in any allergy treatment.

·         Vitamin C – boosts the immune system, improves lung function and decreases allergy symptoms.

·         Essential Oils – antimicrobial essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender and thyme used in a sinus spray can provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion that occurs with hay fever and upper respiratory tract infections.

Make an appointment with us today and find out what treatment is best for you.

What Are You Putting Into Your Body?

Common food allergies include gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, and corn. If you find your allergies flare up after eating any of these foods or your diet contains a lot of these foods, you may benefit from a Vega Food Sensitivities Test.

These days a lot of our food contains high levels of preservatives, additives, and pesticides which can all impact on our immune systems and contribute to allergies and poor health. Think about introducing organic foods to your diet. Organic foods not only taste better, they contain higher levels of nutrients which can be beneficial to overall health.

How to Manage your Allergy Symptoms:

To help balance your immune system and help you manage your allergy symptoms, follow these simple recommendations:

·         Consider a natural supplement for allergy relief

·         Avoid any foods that are known allergens

·         Increase fruit and vegetable intake, particularly those bright in colours, such as berries and capsicum, as they contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients

·         Avoid processed and refined foods that may contain preservatives and additives

·         Drink at lease 2 litres of filtered water per day to keep the body hydrated.

Metagenics Wellness Review

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Copper Toxicity

Copper Toxicity

Anyone who suffers from headaches, fatigue, insomnia, depression, skin rashes, learning disorders or premenstrual syndrome may have a copper imbalance. 

Copper is an essential trace element that is vital to the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes.  The human body has complex homeostatic mechanisms which attempt to ensure a constant supply of available copper while eliminating excess copper when it occurs.  Too much or too little ingestion of copper can result in a corresponding condition of excess or deficiency in the body which has its own unique set of adverse health effects.  Copper Toxicity is a condition in which copper is retained and begins to build up in the body tissues.  This condition is quite common however it is also commonly undiagnosed.  Excess copper in the tissues can develop for a variety of reasons, some of us being more prone to a buildup then others. 

High Risk Factors...

   A slower metabolism may contribute to copper accumulation
   Women are found to be more prone to copper accumulation due to the female hormone    
    oestrogen increasing copper retention
   Excessive stress or insufficient adrenal function.  This can occur due to stress
   dramatically decreasing zinc levels, coppers primary antagonist.  Weak adrenals may   
   result in a lack of hormones that stimulate the liver to remove excess copper.
   Exposure to environmental copper on a regular basis
The use of oestrogen medications such as the birth control pill
Vegetarian Diet or a Zinc Deficient diet
Dental Fillings

The circulation and proper utilisation of copper in the body requires good functioning of the liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands.  Impaired function of these organs result in excess copper as your body fails to utilise or excrete copper.  Initially copper can build up in the liver, further impairing its ability to excrete copper.  An increase in copper retention affects the nervous system, female and male reproductive systems and connective tissues including the joints, hair, skin and nails. 

What you should know about the Metabolism of Copper...

Thirty to sixty percent of ingested copper is absorbed through the intestinal tract. Certain minerals and heavy toxic metals compete for absorption with copper, including calcium, iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury.  Zinc is a primary copper antagonist.  Vitamin C inhibits copper absorption. Sulphur and molybdenum may also inhibit absorption of copper.  Absorption of copper is increased by the presence of amino acids. A diet lacking protein intake or impaired protein digestion can inhibits copper absorption. Absorption is also hindered by an alkaline intestinal pH.

Normally copper is bound in the blood to ceruloplasmin (95 percent) and albumin.  Organs with a high copper content include the liver, brain, heart and kidneys. However, excess copper can accumulate in almost every organ of the body.

Copper is excreted mainly through the bile. Vitamin C binds or chelates copper and facilitates its removal. Zinc and manganese displace copper from the liver. Molybdenum and sulphur bind to copper and greatly facilitate its excretion.

If you suffer with headaches, fatigue, insomnia, depression, skin rashes, learning disorders or premenstrual syndrome you may have a copper imbalance. 

If you think you have these symptoms you may want to consider the following sources of copper...

   Copper Water Pipes
Copper plumbing was hailed as a great advance in the past. Especially in areas with acidic water, copper can be leached from pipes, leaving in severe cases, a greenish ring on bathroom fixtures.  Water that sits in copper pipes can contain dangerously high levels of copper.

   Copper Cookware
Copper tea kettles and other copper cookware can be a source of copper toxicity if used frequently over a period of time.

   Birth Control Pills and Copper Intrauterine Devices
One of the side effects of the pill is that it tends to raise copper levels in the body. This is due to the close association between the hormone oestrogen and copper levels.  Several hundred milligrams of copper a year can easily be absorbed from a copper IUD. Many women still use the Copper - 7 intrauterine birth control device, although it has been taken off the market. The only intra-uterine birth control device sold today, however, is a copper-T. These devices can be very harmful for women prone to high copper levels.

   Vegetarian Diets and Other High Copper Diets
Many diets today are high in copper. In particular, vegetarian proteins such as soybeans, nuts, seeds, tofu, avocados and grains are high in copper content. Soybean protein is coming into wider usage but can contribute to copper overload.  Other high-copper foods are organ meats, shellfish, wheat germ and bran, yeast, corn oil, margarine and mushrooms. 

   Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Copper is frequently added to vitamin supplements, particularly prenatal vitamins. Although this is a benefit for some people, it can be harmful for many other women.

   Fungicides for Swimming Pools and Foods
Copper sulphate is added to swimming pools and may be sprayed on fruits and vegetables to retard growth of algae and fungus.

   Dental Appliances
Copper is still used today in some dental alloys, in fillings, crowns and other appliances.

If you suffer any of these symptoms or are at high risk of copper toxicity or even believe you may be exposed to other heavy metals then it is worthwhile considering a full Heavy Metal Vega Test.  New to Clinic are a number of Focus Vega Tests.  A 15 minute Focus Vega Test followed by a 15 minute Naturopathic consultation to discuss your results could be of benefit to you.

Eir - Liver Formula - normally $35.90 - $28.70

Eir Liver Formula is an excellent detoxifier and rejuvenator for the liver.  It contains a powerful combination of herbs that cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins whilst it nourishes and strengthen the liver tissues thereby supporting the healthy production of bile to promote digestion and a healthy metabolism.

A FREE 5 minute Vega Test is available to ensure this product is 100% tolerated, effective and the exact dose your body requires.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Stress and Immunity…Is Your Health being affected by Stress?

People tend to ignore the fact that their stress is taking a toll on their health.  In our fast paced world stress can be unrelenting.  If you often feel anxious, worried, depressed, irritable, exhausted, overloaded or forgetful it is likely that stress may be a major factor.   It can come from both physical and emotional sources and severe, chronic stress can affect every part of your body.  If you suffer from stiff or sore muscles or joints; tension headaches; high blood pressure; frequent colds or the flu then it is possible that your body may be overburdened by stress.  Other symptoms can include an irritable bowel, ulcers, an increase or loss of appetite, or the worsening of an existing illness or condition.  These are worrying signs.
The fight or Flight Response to Stress…

The ‘fight or flight response’ to stress is our body’s primitive, automatic, inborn response which prepares the body to ‘fight’ or ‘flee’ from a perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival.  In the event of this stress response being triggered, chemical messengers called adrenalin, cortisol and noradrenaline are produced by the adrenal glands and brain.  These messengers are released into our bloodstream and cause our body to undergo a series of dramatic changes.  Blood is increased to the essential organs such as the heart, lungs, brain and muscles.  Our respiratory rate increases, blood is shunted away from our digestive tract and directed into our muscles; cortisol increases the amount of glucose released into the blood to provide energy; our pupils dilate and our awareness intensifies as our perception of pain diminishes.  These series of events are all part of our body’s normal response as it prepares physically and psychologically for fight or flight.

In the past stress was short-lived.  Once the stressful situation had subsided, these chemical messengers returned to normal.  Biologically our stress response has not changed over time.  What has changed is the long-term stress we experienced on a day-to-day basis.  Long work hours, financial worries, family issues – all these non-stop stresses that do not allow the stress response to switch off. 

Cortisol and the Immune System…

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone synthesized from cholesterol by enzymes of the cytochrome P450 family in the middle of the adrenal cortex and is the primary hormone responsible for the stress response.  In small quantities cortisol is helpful as an anti-inflammatory, speeds tissue repair and controls excess immune cell production.

One of its main functions is to restore homeostasis following exposure to stress.  Continued raised cortisol levels from chronic stress can slow the production of ‘good’ prostaglandins.  Prostaglandins are derived from essential fatty acids like fish oils and support immune function, dilate blood vessels, and are anti-inflammatory.  Slowed production of these prostaglandins can allow for inflammation and immune suppression. 

Cortisol also reduces the rate at which lymphocytes (immune cells) multiply and can accelerate their programmed cell death.  When cortisol is elevated during periods of stress there is almost a complete disappearance of lymphocytes from the blood.  The part of the immune system most sensitive to increased cortisol levels are the Helper T-cells.  Cortisol downregulates the Interleukin-2 receptor on these cells, resulting in the inability of Interleukin-2 to upregulate the Th2 (Humeral) immune response.  This results in a decrease in a Th1 (cellular) immune dominance.  Again leading to a decrease in B-cell antibody production. 

This is why cortisol is used to treat conditions resulting in over activity of the B-cell mediated antibody response such as inflammatory and rheumatoid diseases and allergies.  During periods of increased stress the immune cells are continually exposed to molecules that are telling them to ‘stop fighting’ which render the body more susceptible to disease.  On the other hand, as the adrenals become fatigued, the production of cortisol and other hormone levels will fall.  Lower levels of cortisol lead to its moderating effect on immune reactions being lost.  Lymphoytes circulate in excess and create more inflammation. High levels of stress even over relatively short periods result in prolonged healing times, reduction in ability to cope with vaccinations, and a heightened vulnerability to viral and bacterial infections. 
Chronic stress and long-term health effects…
Chronic stress can impact body systems such as the nervous system, leading to exhaustion, headaches and insomnia.  Your digestive system can be weakened by stress, making you more susceptible to bowel problems.  Stress also has been shown to upset the balance of our intestinal micro flora which influences digestion, stomach problems, diarrhea, and gas. When the intestinal flora is compromised, you are more susceptible to throat infections, colds, and flu.

Candida flourishes when the intestinal micro flora is imbalanced. Researchers have proved stress leads to more problems with yeast infections, depression, infectious disease and cancer.  Patients with severe stress have more chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies, and heart problems.  Elevated cortisol over the long term consistently produces glucose, leading to increased blood sugar levels.  Theoretically this mechanism can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.  Long-term chronic exposure to stress produces further symptoms including impaired cognition, decreased thyroid function, and accumulation of abdominal fat, which can have implications for cardiovascular health. 

Fertility problems are another one for the list as stress can lead to erectile dysfunction or the disruption of normal ovulation and menstrual cycles.   

Assessing Stress Levels…

Cortisol has complex functions.  Understanding the science behind it as well as its behaviors and relationship to other biochemical components; the immune system and other health outcomes is crucial to success in treating patients.  The experience of stress affects cellular immunity, therefore treating disease with immunological components means also treating and managing psychological stress. 
Trained Practitioners At The House of Healing can offer a non-invasive VEGA Test for Adrenal function and the associated hormones.  Our Practitioners will always recommend strategies for effective stress management.  Some strategies include getting more sleep, massage, walking, yoga, acupuncture, relaxation exercises and addressing psychological and emotional issues to minimize stress.  Implementation of targeted dietary and lifestyle approaches is an extremely powerful way to reduce stress and reduce the risk for illness and chronic disease.  Talk to our Practitioners today.

New Focus Vega Tests - 30 minutes - $65

New to Clinic are a number of Focus Vega Tests.  A 15 minute Focus Vega Test followed by a 15 minute Naturopathic consultation to discuss your results. 

 - Anxiety Test              
 - Mood Test     
-  Energy             
-  Insomnia

Friday, 31 May 2013

Bioidentical Hormones - How Can They Work For Me?

Our hormones are responsible for many critical functions in the body.  They are the body’s messaging system – they communicate between the brain and the individual glandular cells, as well as between cells, and they feed back information to the brain.  As we “mature” our glands do not function quite as well as when we were young.
We do not function optimally when our hormone levels decline or are not balanced. 

It’s all about balance.  Reproductive hormones are a good example.  In women who are in their twenties, ovulation occurs with most menstrual cycles.  This results in progesterone production in the second half of the cycle.  Oestrogen and progesterone are well balanced.  An orchestra in harmony.  When a women is in her thirties and forties ovulation decreases progressively to once every 4-6 cycles and by fifty she is lucky to ovulate once to twice a year.  This means that between the ages of 35 and 50 progesterone production falls by 75% while oestrogen production falls by 35%. 

The result is called oestrogen dominance.  It has a host of symptoms most of which most women – and their families - do not particularly like.  They include premenstrual depressive symptoms, anxiety, fatigue, and irritability, insomnia, breast tenderness and swelling, shorter cycles with heavier bleeding, weight gain, fluid retention, and premenstrual headaches.  These symptoms  will be worse in cycles where women do not ovulate so some months they will feel awful, where in a cycle where they ovulate they will feel normal.  When women are between 40 – 50 and ovulation decreases in frequency the symptoms become increasingly frequent and increasingly severe.  Add in stress and increased cortisol production, and decline in thyroid function and it starts getting messy - you have an orchestra where the instruments are not synchronised at all.  When this coincides with having teenage girls who are oestrogen dominant (because they are not yet ovulating every cycle) the family dynamics can become rather interesting.

In addition we all have to activate our hormones.  One of the processes involved in this activation process is called methylation.  The gene that governs this process is one of the most important genes in the body and we all vary enormously in our ability to methylate/activate our hormones.  People who do not methylate well will experience symptoms of oestrogen dominance earlier and their symptoms will tend to be more severe.

If that isn’t enough to deal with, when women come to the end of their reproductive years, oestrogen levels start to drop as hormone production from the ovaries declines.  This is menopause and is accompanied by a long list of symptoms including psychological and physical symptoms - hot flushes, sweating, palpitations, weight gain and loss of libido. 

Hormonal symptoms are not simply something you have to live with.  These symptoms may be normal but they are certainly not optimal. You can choose to correct the imbalance.  There are many ways you can take control of these hormones.  What’s more, by restoring hormones to balanced, youthful levels and optimally activating them, the rate of ageing is slowed and many people report dramatic improvements in health and wellbeing. 

Keep in mind we are the only animals that live longer than our ability to reproduce.  We do so because of advances in everything from sanitation to modern technology in medicine.  We can choose to use advances in hormone replacement to feel better, be healthier and enjoy the extra years that we now live.

What are ‘bio identical’ hormones?
Bio identical hormones are manufactured in the lab to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body.  Often referred to as ‘natural’, these aren’t actually found in their pure form in nature,  but are made or synthesised from plant chemical extracts ( wild yam and soybeans) which are rich in precursor molecules.  These are easily converted by biochemists into other molecules that are identical in all aspects to our own naturally occurring hormones and will act in the body just like the hormones we produce.  The treatment with bio identical hormones is often referred to as Bio identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), Bio identical Hormone Therapy or Natural Hormone Therapy. 

BHRT differs from pharmaceutical HRT in that pharmaceutical preparations contain ethinyl oestrodiol which, while relieving many symptoms of menopause, does not act like oestrodiol which is a component of BHRT.  The major difference however is with progesterone. Pharmaceutical preparations contain progestogen which is VERY different to bio-identical progesterone.  Progestogens are associated with many of the symptoms of menopause (weight gain, psychological symptoms, fluid retention) and are thought to be responsible for the increased risk of breast cancer found with the Women’s Health Initiative study.  Bio identical preparations are not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and there is increasing evidence to suggest they may in fact be protective against breast cancer.
Conditions responsive to BHRT…
Hormones can influence every aspect of your body . BHRT can successfully treat hormone imbalance associated with pre-menstrual symptoms, perimenopause, women’s menopause and andropause (male menopause), as well as issues associated with nutritional medicine and anti-aging of the body.  Other conditions associated with hormonal imbalance include thyroid conditions, infertility, postnatal depression and weight loss. 

The major aims of this therapy administered by a successful practitioner are summed up below…
  • This treatment aims to relieve or reverse the ageing process in a way that it mimics the body’s system as it was created.  In light of this, only hormones that are the same structure as those produced by the human endocrine system should be used.
  • Hormones used in treatment should be introduced to the bloodstream in a way that imitates the glands as closely as possible, without having to go through the digestive system and creating stress on the liver.
  • Treatment should involve a broad spectrum of hormones at lower doses based on hormone test results and careful monitoring.  This approach will offer a more complete, physiological balance.
  • The dose must be individualised to the patients needs after a complete medical assessment while considering specific needs and goals of treatment. 
In practise a Practitioner will use an individualised, patient-centred approach.  This should involve testing hormone levels and prescribing the precise dose based on test results.  Compounded bio identical hormones can be matched to a patients needs which include oestrogen (oestrogen, oestradiol and oestriol), progesterone, testosterone, pregnenolone, thyroid extract, melatonin and DHEA.  These formulations are prepared at a registered compounding pharmacy and each patient is monitored carefully through regular follow-ups to ensure symptom relief is achieved at the lowest possible dose.  Bio identical hormones are available as troches (lozenge), transdermal creams, capsules, pessaries and suppositories.  These plant derived bio identical hormones have fewer side effects than synthetic or semi-synthetic HRT drugs commonly prescribed. 

Bio identical hormones can work wonders, but they aren’t necessarily the first place to turn when there is a hormonal imbalance.  In the great majority of cases patients can find relief through a natural approach that combines dietary and lifestyle change, endocrine support and nutritional supplements prescribed personally for the individual.  We recommend that you work with an understanding doctor who believes in the value of hormonal testing to use as a tool in the treatment of your health.  It is not recommended that hormones be used long term unless essential for symptom relief and quality of life, and only then alongside a complete risk assessment.

Dr Jackie Forrester MBChB, BSc (Med)Hons, MRCP, FRACGP  is joining our team at The House of Healing.  Jackie’s main area of interest is women’s health, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and methylation. 
Dr. Jackie believes in using Naturopathy and traditional Western Medicine in combination to optimise your health and wellbeing.  Appointments are now available.  Please note Dr. Jackie does not Bulk Bill.