Are you one of the statistics?
It’s alarming to think that almost 60% of the adult population in Australia are overweight or obese. Are you one of the statistics? One way to tell is to do a quick calculation using the body mass index or BMI. This measurement is commonly used by health professionals to classify an adult’s weight as healthy, moderately overweight, or obese. To calculate, divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in metres. A BMI of 25 or higher indicates overweight; a BMI of 30 or higher defines obesity and a BMI of 40 or higher is extreme obesity. Generally the higher your BMI, the greater your risk of developing other obesity-related problems.
Benefits of weight loss
There are countless benefits of weight loss including improved health, energy and well-being and reducing the risk of developing chronic disease. Forget the cosmetic issue of weight loss. If you feel you need to lose weight because you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, or you no longer fit into your favourite cocktail dress, then you may be missing the point. What you should be focused on is the increased risk of developing many serious diseases that are associated with obesity. These obesity-related health risks should be motivation enough to start shedding that extra weight. They include:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Insulin resistance
- High Blood Pressure
- High Blood Fat levels (including cholesterol)
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Colon Cancer
The Downfall of Diets versus the Success of Lifestyle Changes
The media continually bombards us with the newest fad diet that promises to drop dress sizes fast. These temporary diets may have a purpose but going on a 'diet' to lose weight is no longer considered a practical 'long term' solution. A good weight loss program for the individual trying to shed those extra kilos should not let the health of their digestive system, eliminative system, their pancreas, liver, adrenals or their thyroid get lost in the idea of dieting.
Sadly the downfall of crash diets can often be the emphasis on cutting down foods consumed. In the meantime the health of the systems of the body that work to keep the body at its ideal function and weight are not supported due to vital nutrients being removed. These drastic diets can often starve the organs and glands and overwhelm them with toxins. When a person is overweight; in addition to stored fat there are often stored toxins that the body has been hanging on to. As you lose weight the body begins to burn up its fat stores and additional toxins get dumped in the bloodstream. The last thing you want is a diet that starves the liver of the nutrients it needs to detoxify these additional chemicals or upsets the activity of enzymes and enzyme production which assist in their removal. This may result in poor digestion or toxic overload while you are trying to lose weight. When looking at these factors it puts it into perspective why there is often a rebound effect after some diets. If our body systems are not functioning efficiently it is not surprising that the weight goes back on.
The outcome of continuous dieting which starves our body of vital nutrients is sure to have an impact on future health. A successful long term approach to losing weight will bring lasting results. This should incorporate diet and lifestyle changes that focus on factors such as the health of the glandular system, the liver, the digestive system and nutrient absorption. Success in achieving your desired weight may often benefit from a change in beliefs. A positive mindset about what the foods you consume mean you will go a long way. Remember true success is to never having to say you are dieting.
Tips to Achieving Your Ideal Weight:
- Limit Refined Carbohydrates Foods
These include white flour including breads, pasta, and refined cereals and refined sugar including cakes, biscuits and pastries. These refined carbohydrates are high glycemic load (GI) foods, meaning they lack valuable fibre, break down more quickly and are consequently more rapidly absorbed. These high GI foods trigger a sudden rise in blood glucose levels. When your body doesn't use this additional load for body fuel then the excess is converted to glycogen and can accumulate throughout the body, resulting in excess weight gain. Further more some of these foods are nutrient empty, containing little essential vitamins and minerals. High GI foods can over stimulate and exhaust the pancreas leading to type II (adult onset) diabetes. These foods promote obesity!
- Protein Rich Meals and Portion sizes
Eat small regular meals containing protein rich foods. Choose from lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts. Consuming plenty of these foods will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. If you know you are partial to that second helping, be mindful to reduce your portion sizes. Make a fist and consider that this is the size of your empty stomach.
- Include healthy oils in your diet
The focus has been on eliminating fats from the diet for so long but it must be taken into account that there are different types of fat, so this topic deserves a lot of attention. Some fats are crucial in our diets and are needed to help us absorb essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K. Eliminate damaging trans-fats from your diet. These are found in fried fast foods. Over consumption of these foods increase your risk of developing heart disease by increasing the bad cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 found in vegetable oils and omega-6 found in flaxseeds and oily fish are healthy fats. Monounsaturated fats, omega-9, are found in olives, nuts and avocados and should also be included in moderation. Saturated fats, called so because they are saturated with hydrogen atoms, are found in animal foods such as meat and dairy. These should be eaten in moderation or not at all if you have a dairy or lactose intolerance.
- Three cups of Fresh Vegetable Daily
Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and add bulk to the diet. The greener the leaf, the richer it is in nutrients. Dark leafy greens are usually a great source of calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C and B vitamins. Vegetables are a great source of indigestible fibre which exercises the intestinal muscles so they retain their health and tone and help this area of the digestive tract move smoothly and maintain regular elimination.
- Digestion begins in the Mouth
How many times have you heard of the importance of chewing your food 100 times before swallowing? This shouldn't be taken light heartedly. If you want to make sure your body absorbs the maximum nutrients from the nutritious foods in your new eating plan, you can achieve this by chewing your food properly. Saliva secreted in the mouth contains digestive enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates while chewing breaks down food into smaller pieces, increasing the surface area of the food.
- Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of pure water daily
Human beings can live just 5 days without water. Bodily functions such as respiration, digestion, metabolism, elimination and temperature regulation can only be accomplished in the presence of water. Water is essential to dissolve and transport nutrients. To keep your body functioning optimally throughout your weight loss plan remember that water is vital.
- Early Morning Exercise
Never exercise on an empty stomach. Have a palm size serve of protein so you burn fat cells and not muscle. No excuses! Daily physical activity is vital for weight maintenance. Try to rise with the sun and get outside and start moving. This will help create a serge in serotonin levels which will help you feel good, help regulate appetite and empower you to feel capable of your goals. You don't need to start by running a marathon. Begin slowly with 15 minutes of interval training a day. Get your heart rate up and rest in between sets. As you improve your cardiovascular health you can increase your workout. The good news is regular exercise will also stabilise cholesterol levels. If the morning is not a good time for you then always take a brisk walk after dinner. This will deepen you sleep level which in turn will assist with weight loss.
- Love Your Liver
Your Liver helps to excrete fatty substances including the stored fat you want to lose. A healthy liver will function properly. To keep your liver healthy, cut down on alcohol, caffeine and sugar. Be mindful to reduce chemicals and toxins in your life. Eat organic foods and use chemical free skincare products.
- Breathe and Reduce Stress
We all know stress is harmful to our health but where does it fit into weight loss? Stress causes you to produce excess cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol sends the message to every cell in your body that there is no more food left. This can slow down your metabolism, making you hang onto fat stores and prompt you to eat more. For women cortisol can also shut down adrenal progesterone production. Progesterone is a powerful anti-anxiety agent, antidepressant, diuretic and an essential hormone for burning excessive fat stores for energy.
The key to successful weight loss is to start an eating plan that you can sustain for the long term. Don't journey alone. If your weight loss could do with a boost The House of Healing can offer you guidance to promote optimal long term health. We offer the advice you need to key nutritional supplementation. Improve your energy, health and wellbeing.
Make and appointment with our qualified staff today by phoning +61 8 8431 9288
Available from The House of Healing • 62 Dulwich Avenue • Dulwich 5065