Invisible energy fields emanating from electrical and magnetic devices such as HV electrical cables, transformers & sub-stations, radio and TV transmitters, microwave transmitters, mobile phone transmitting masts, mobile phones, radio telephones, pagers, electrical appliances, office, household, shop and hotel wiring are filling our environment and damaging each of us.
The Sensitivity of Humans to Electromagnetic Fields differs individually. In light of this fact, it is not possible to make blanket statements about the tolerance or health hazard from Electro Smog. This becomes apparent from observations of test subjects, who were exposed to electromagnetic fields and / or electrical tensions and currents. The health hazards from electro smog is cause enough for scientists all over the world to assemble factual evidence, but in spite of these, there are as yet no biologically correct international recommended safe levels for exposure.
In Luebeck, Germany Dr. Varga, Professor Kaes, Dr. Volkrodt, Dr. Boikat, Dipl. Bioligist Kuehne, Dr. Brueggemeier, Dr. Braun von Gladiss, Dr. Ing. Bahmeier proved through their research the negative influence of microwaves. Lately Professor von Klitzing has illustrated with tangible results clear and undeniable biological effects of microwave radiation on humans, especially that radiation coming from pulse modulated mobile telephones of the D and also E types.
The Sensitivity of Humans to Electromagnetic Fields differs individually. In light of this fact, it is not possible to make blanket statements about the tolerance or health hazard from Electro Smog. This becomes apparent from observations of test subjects, who were exposed to electromagnetic fields and / or electrical tensions and currents. The health hazards from electro smog is cause enough for scientists all over the world to assemble factual evidence, but in spite of these, there are as yet no biologically correct international recommended safe levels for exposure.
In Luebeck, Germany Dr. Varga, Professor Kaes, Dr. Volkrodt, Dr. Boikat, Dipl. Bioligist Kuehne, Dr. Brueggemeier, Dr. Braun von Gladiss, Dr. Ing. Bahmeier proved through their research the negative influence of microwaves. Lately Professor von Klitzing has illustrated with tangible results clear and undeniable biological effects of microwave radiation on humans, especially that radiation coming from pulse modulated mobile telephones of the D and also E types.
And what did these Medical Scientists in Germany witness?
The health implications and importance of these test results start to become clear when we realise, that inside the human body very low amounts of electricity flow as part of the natural processes (metabolism, transfer of information) between the cells. Recently scientists have been able to ascertain that during periods of rest, there are electrical currents of 1pico Ampere (1 pA = 0,000 000 000 001A) flowing from cell to cell.
Furthermore from bio-resonance medicine we have learned that negative effects are always experienced, when biological systems are influenced by artificial signals, as these can lead to a continuing disruption of intracellular communication. The discovery of life- essential communication between the cells at the frequency of 400 Cycles was rewarded with a Nobel Prize in 1992.
The health implications and importance of these test results start to become clear when we realise, that inside the human body very low amounts of electricity flow as part of the natural processes (metabolism, transfer of information) between the cells. Recently scientists have been able to ascertain that during periods of rest, there are electrical currents of 1pico Ampere (1 pA = 0,000 000 000 001A) flowing from cell to cell.
Furthermore from bio-resonance medicine we have learned that negative effects are always experienced, when biological systems are influenced by artificial signals, as these can lead to a continuing disruption of intracellular communication. The discovery of life- essential communication between the cells at the frequency of 400 Cycles was rewarded with a Nobel Prize in 1992.
How can you effectively protect yourself against the harmful effects of Electro Smog during Mobile Telephone use at the Workplace and / or at Home?
All anti-electro smog transformers offered by the WillauTronic company are based on the principle of destructive interference and by applying this process in the production phase, it is possible to neutralise that negative information which adversely affects the human body, bringing about an automatic harmonisation of the electromagnetic fields.
All anti-electro smog transformers offered by the WillauTronic company are based on the principle of destructive interference and by applying this process in the production phase, it is possible to neutralise that negative information which adversely affects the human body, bringing about an automatic harmonisation of the electromagnetic fields.
Harmonising of the electromagnetic fields is very important for man, because we, as earthly beings, are fully integrated into the biological coR 3.0.30618; .NET4.0C)
Accept-Ehe electrical system in our environment, which means that every change of the natural environmental electro smog, represents a serious intervention in the communication process of our bodies, bringing about misalignment and false information signals, which eventually allow disease to develop.
WillauTronic's mission is to inform people everywhere of the danger of progressive and irreversible neurological damage accompanying the convenience of existing and emerging electrical technologies. Electro smog, though invisible, is affecting the lives of everyone, hence we are offering you products that drastically reduce the amount of electro smog affecting you and those dear to you.
Disease prevention beats affliction any day!