Friday, 30 November 2012

Parasites and the Inside Story on Detox

It is one of the buzzwords of the health conscious. Detox.

What does it mean to detox? Why is it necessary? How can it be best achieved?


Strictly speaking, toxins are poisonous substances produced by living organisms. Think of snakes, spiders and jellyfish. The venom of these animals all fall into the category of toxins.

Detoxing is the process of eliminating these toxins.

Been bitten by a snake lately? Probably not. So detox is not for you, right?

Wrong! Toxins are more common than you think.

Toxin-producing organisms include all sorts of parasitic life forms that live in humans. These include bacteria, worms, protozoa and flukes.

Parasites are the most successful life form on the planet. Medical experts in one Western country find parasites in over 90% of the people they examine.

Parasites inhabit humans by stealth – often you don’t even know they are present. They feed on the nutrients in your food, and load you down with their secretions and excretions (toxins).

How do you know if you are hosting unhealthy organisms? You may not feel them, but you will sure notice their toxins! Abdominal pain, bad breath, bowel irritation, fluid retention, food sensitivities, joint/muscle pain, allergies, bloating, fatigue, unexplained fevers, chronic vaginal yeast or itching, gas and stomach cramps are common signs of the toxins caused by various parasites.

Wasted effort

Unfortunately most popular “Detox Programs” are not really detox treatments at all. While they may help eliminate chemicals and heavy metals in your system (helpful but these substances are not technically toxins), few actually target parasites and the waste products they leave behind.

If a Detox Treatment is honest it will also eliminate the source of the toxins in your system – parasites.

Parasites have lifecycles that must be broken. Treatments lasting less than 30 days do not eliminate parasites properly, leaving behind eggs and larvae to live on and fight another day.

Well-entrenched or long-term infestations often need ongoing treatment lasting 60 or even 90 days to ensure a thorough cleanse. If you notice any of the symptoms of toxins mentioned above then you are a prime candidate for a 60 or 90 day extended parasite cleanse.

Finally no thorough detox treatment is complete without a system recharge. Replenishing your digestive tract with beneficial bacteria boosts your immunity and helps close the door on future infestations.

And so Detox is not a quick fix. It appropriately encompasses a whole wellness program, weeding out toxins and the parasites that put them there, seeding your system with beneficial bacteria, and feeding the process with minerals to make it all work. Detox is more than a buzzword. It is a way of maintaining vibrant health.

Article from Genesis

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Healthy Skin - From the Inside Out

Healthy Skin - From the Inside Out!

Your skin is an external reflection, visible to everyone, of how your body is functioning internally. Due to the intimate relationship between the skin and the rest of the body, treating skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and rosacea is complex and it can be difficult to achieve lasting results, especially if you don’t seek professional help. Furthermore some of these conditions can be painful, itchy, irritating and greatly effect self-confidence. It can be a frustrating and challenging road to finding effective and sustainable ways to improve the health and appearance of your skin. A healthcare practitioner can help you find solutions to regain, vibrant, healthy skin with treatments that work from the inside out.

The ‘Ins’ and ‘Outs’ of Poor Skin

Healthy radiant skin relies on your body and internal organs being healthy and functioning well. There are many functions of the body that, if not working properly, can contribute to poor skin. These may include:
·         Ineffective clearance of toxins or metabolic wastes via the digestive tract and/or the liver
·         Poor immune function and inflammation
·         Poorly managed stress
·         Sluggish circulation and lymphatic flow
·         Poor dietary habits
·         Poor personal hygiene
·         Hormonal fluctuations e.g. skin conditions that worsen pre-menstrually
·         Nutritional deficiencies

Lifestyle is part of the Prescription

There are changes that you can make to your daily diet and lifestyle to help you on your way to better skin:
·         You are what you eat: So eat well!! A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for skin health and your Practitioner can provide you with dietary advice specific to your skin condition.
·         Be active: Exercise helps increase blood flow to the skin, and encourages the removal of toxins through sweat; so make daily exercise a part of your skin health program today!
·         Aim for better stress management: Stress can increase inflammation and affect digestive and immune function, all of which are contributing factors to poor skin health.
 ·         Brush your skin: Dry skin brushing prior to your morning shower is a simple technique to stimulate lymphatic circulation, helping your body clear the build-up of toxins that can aggravate skin conditions.
·         Wash your skin with pH-controlled gels: Humans are covered in a diverse wardrobe of skin microbes, many of which promote skin health. Washing too frequently or using alkalising soaps can remove some of these beneficial microbes from the surface of your skin, allowing pathogenic organisms to cause infection.
·         Support yourself with supplements: Your Practitioner can recommend a personalised supplement regimen to boost your health status and address the causes of your skin ailment.
·         Treat yourself topically: Whilst a healthy body is essential for achieving the healthiest skin possible, topical treatments prescribed by your Practitioner may help to provide rapid, symptomatic relief.

Healing Goodness from Nature’s Dispensary
There are specific nutrients involved in keeping skin healthy, and addressing nutritional deficiencies is a good place to start in any skin condition.
Essential fatty acids - found in fish oil play a critical role in promoting healthy skin. They help to regulate healthy cellular function, and maintain elasticity and suppleness of the skin. Essential fatty acids also help to reduce inflammation. Taking a potent, high quality fish oil can improve your skin health by improving hydration, elasticity and reducing inflammation. As a result, skin has an improved texture and tone leaving it looking and feeling noticeably healthier.
Zinc - is an important mineral for skin health. Zinc repairs damaged tissues and helps heal wounds. As a result, if you don’t have enough zinc, then your ability to repair damaged skin becomes impaired. Zinc deficiency can also result in your immune system having poor control over the maintenance of your skin.

Treatment for Skin Conditions
While a comprehensive internal treatment strategy to address skin problems from the inside out is underway, topical creams and lotions can be used to give speedy and effective symptomatic relief.
Aloe Vera – is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural compounds that support wound healing through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.
Calendula – has a long history of traditional use for treating acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin infections and healing wounds. This skin herb has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions and also enhances wound healing.
Essential Oils – can be very effective in treating many troubling skin conditions by soothing the skin, as well as having potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, and promoting skin healing. Chamomile, sandalwood, lavender, juniper berry and manuka leaf essential oils have key roles in treating skin conditions.

Your Practitioner can help to improve your skin from the inside out, by recommending diet and lifestyle changes and nutritional support that is specific to you and your skin condition. Arrange an appointment today!
The Wellness Review

Monday, 1 October 2012

Do you Suffer from Sinus Congestion and Hay fever?

Many people suffer in silence from allergies but allergies are not something that you simply have to put up with! It is possible to manage your allergies naturally. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, persistent cough, wheezing, asthma, headaches, and skin disorders such as atopic eczema. If you have allergies it is important not to only be looking at symptom relief.  The underlying causes such as immune imbalances or nutritional deficiencies need to be addressed in order to give you long term relief. Common causes of allergies include reacting to certain foods, food additives and pesticides, grasses and pollens, dust mites, and chemicals in personal products and cleaning products.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms ask us for help to managing your allergies today!

Herbs and Nutrients to Manage Allergies Naturally

Allergies are caused by an immune imbalance. Pharmaceutical medications may help to reduce symptoms but do not address the underlying cause. The following herbs and nutrients may help to manage symptoms of allergies naturally, as well as rebalancing your immune function:

·         Perilla (Perilla frutescens) – a herb that is beneficial in the treatment of hayfever, asthma and sinusitis. It can be used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions, particularly of the upper respiratory tract.

·         Atractylodes (Atractylodes Iancea) – a herb that is beneficial for hayfever, nasal congestion, asthma, and dermatitis. It also helps the immune system to fight colds and respiratory infections.

·         Albizia (Albizia lebbeck) – the anti-allergy properties of the herb albizia are  helpful for hayfever, asthma, sinus congestion and allergic skin conditions such as eczema and hives. It also helps to strengthen the lungs and clear mucous.

·         Quercetin – is a bioflavanoid vitamin that is used for acute or chronic allergies such as hayfever, hives, and asthma. It is also a great antioxidant.

·         Probiotics – there are many different strains of probiotics; the most useful for allergies is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG). This strain has been found to be effective in reducing allergies including eczema.

·         Zinc – plays a very important role in regulating the immune system and is a commonly found deficiency in the Australian population. Optimal zinc levels are crucial in any allergy treatment.

·         Vitamin C – boosts the immune system, improves lung function and decreases allergy symptoms.

·         Essential Oils – antimicrobial essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender and thyme used in a sinus spray can provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion that occurs with hay fever and upper respiratory tract infections.

Make an appointment with us today and find out what treatment is best for you.

What Are You Putting Into Your Body?

Common food allergies include gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, and corn. If you find your allergies flare up after eating any of these foods or your diet contains a lot of these foods, you may benefit from a Vega Food Sensitivities Test.

These days a lot of our food contains high levels of preservatives, additives, and pesticides which can all impact on our immune systems and contribute to allergies and poor health. Think about introducing organic foods to your diet. Organic foods not only taste better, they contain higher levels of nutrients which can be beneficial to overall health.

How to Manage your Allergy Symptoms

To help balance your immune system and help you manage your allergy symptoms, follow these simple recommendations:

·         Consider a natural supplement for allergy relief

·         Avoid any foods that are known allergens

·         Increase fruit and vegetable intake, particularly those bright in colours, such as berries and capsicum, as they contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients

·         Avoid processed and refined foods that may contain preservatives and additives

·         Drink at lease 2 litres of filtered water per day to keep the body hydrated.

Metagenics Wellness Review

During the Month of October:
Hayfever and Allergy Vega Test - 15 minute test - $30
Most of us enjoy Spring but for many people it means itching and red eyes, runny nose, sneezing, lethargy, irritability, headaches and even breathing problems.  We have many different natural options available to assist you and are able to test which is best for you and the dosage you require.  Make an appointment today and experience Spring without allergies.

Electro Dermal-Acupuncture Testing and in particular the VEGATEST method is a quick, painless and effective way of determining a whole range of health related issues on an energetic level.  Bookings are essential.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Are you one of the Weight Loss statistics?

Are you one of the statistics?

It’s alarming to think that almost 60% of the adult population in Australia are overweight or obese.  Are you one of the statistics?  One way to tell is to do a quick calculation using the body mass index or BMI.  This measurement is commonly used by health professionals to classify an adult’s weight as healthy, moderately overweight, or obese.  To calculate, divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in metres.  A BMI of 25 or higher indicates overweight; a BMI of 30 or higher defines obesity and a BMI of 40 or higher is extreme obesity.  Generally the higher your BMI, the greater your risk of developing other obesity-related problems.

Benefits of weight loss

There are countless benefits of weight loss including improved health, energy and well-being and reducing the risk of developing chronic disease.  Forget the cosmetic issue of weight loss.  If you feel you need to lose weight because you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, or you no longer fit into your favourite cocktail dress, then you may be missing the point.  What you should be focused on is the increased risk of developing many serious diseases that are associated with obesity.  These obesity-related health risks should be motivation enough to start shedding that extra weight.  They include:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Insulin resistance
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Blood Fat levels (including cholesterol)
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Colon Cancer

The Downfall of Diets versus the Success of Lifestyle Changes

The media continually bombards us with the newest fad diet that promises to drop dress sizes fast.  These temporary diets may have a purpose but going on a 'diet' to lose weight is no longer considered a practical 'long term' solution.  A good weight loss program for the individual trying to shed those extra kilos should not let the health of their digestive system, eliminative system, their pancreas, liver, adrenals or their thyroid get lost in the idea of dieting. 

Sadly the downfall of crash diets can often be the emphasis on cutting down foods consumed.  In the meantime the health of the systems of the body that work to keep the body at its ideal function and weight are not supported due to vital nutrients being removed.  These drastic diets can often starve the organs and glands and overwhelm them with toxins.  When a person is overweight; in addition to stored fat there are often stored toxins that the body has been hanging on to.  As you lose weight the body begins to burn up its fat stores and additional toxins get dumped in the bloodstream.  The last thing you want is a diet that starves the liver of the nutrients it needs to detoxify these additional chemicals or upsets the activity of enzymes and enzyme production which assist in their removal.  This may result in poor digestion or toxic overload while you are trying to lose weight.  When looking at these factors it puts it into perspective why there is often a rebound effect after some diets.  If our body systems are not functioning efficiently it is not surprising that the weight goes back on. 

The outcome of continuous dieting which starves our body of vital nutrients is sure to have an impact on future health.  A successful long term approach to losing weight will bring lasting results.  This should incorporate diet and lifestyle changes that focus on factors such as the health of the glandular system, the liver, the digestive system and nutrient absorption.  Success in achieving your desired weight may often benefit from a change in beliefs.  A positive mindset about what the foods you consume mean you will go a long way.   Remember true success is to never having to say you are dieting. 

Tips to Achieving Your Ideal Weight:

  • Limit Refined Carbohydrates Foods

These include white flour including breads, pasta, and refined cereals and refined sugar including cakes, biscuits and pastries.  These refined carbohydrates are high glycemic load (GI) foods, meaning they lack valuable fibre, break down more quickly and are consequently more rapidly absorbed.  These high GI foods trigger a sudden rise in blood glucose levels.  When your body doesn't use this additional load for body fuel then the excess is converted to glycogen and can accumulate throughout the body, resulting in excess weight gain.  Further more some of these foods are nutrient empty, containing little essential vitamins and minerals.  High GI foods can over stimulate and exhaust the pancreas leading to type II (adult onset) diabetes.  These foods promote obesity! 

  • Protein Rich Meals and Portion sizes

Eat small regular meals containing protein rich foods.  Choose from lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts.  Consuming plenty of these foods will help keep your blood sugar levels stable.  If you know you are partial to that second helping, be mindful to reduce your portion sizes.  Make a fist and consider that this is the size of your empty stomach.   

  • Include healthy oils in your diet

The focus has been on eliminating fats from the diet for so long but it must be taken into account that there are different types of fat, so this topic deserves a lot of attention.  Some fats are crucial in our diets and are needed to help us absorb essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K.  Eliminate damaging trans-fats from your diet.  These are found in fried fast foods.  Over consumption of these foods increase your risk of developing heart disease by increasing the bad cholesterol.  Polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 found in vegetable oils and omega-6 found in flaxseeds and oily fish are healthy fats.  Monounsaturated fats, omega-9, are found in olives, nuts and avocados and should also be included in moderation.  Saturated fats, called so because they are saturated with hydrogen atoms, are found in animal foods such as meat and dairy.  These should be eaten in moderation or not at all if you have a dairy or lactose intolerance.

  • Three cups of Fresh Vegetable Daily

Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and add bulk to the diet.  The greener the leaf, the richer it is in nutrients.  Dark leafy greens are usually a great source of calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C and B vitamins.  Vegetables are a great source of indigestible fibre which exercises the intestinal muscles so they retain their health and tone and help this area of the digestive tract move smoothly and maintain regular elimination.

  • Digestion begins in the Mouth

How many times have you heard of the importance of chewing your food 100 times before swallowing?  This shouldn't be taken light heartedly.  If you want to make sure your body absorbs the maximum nutrients from the nutritious foods in your new eating plan, you can achieve this by chewing your food properly.  Saliva secreted in the mouth contains digestive enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates while chewing breaks down food into smaller pieces, increasing the surface area of the food.

  • Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of pure water daily

Human beings can live just 5 days without water.  Bodily functions such as respiration, digestion, metabolism, elimination and temperature regulation can only be accomplished in the presence of water.  Water is essential to dissolve and transport nutrients.  To keep your body functioning optimally throughout your weight loss plan remember that water is vital.

  • Early Morning Exercise

Never exercise on an empty stomach.  Have a palm size serve of protein so you burn fat cells and not muscle.  No excuses!  Daily physical activity is vital for weight maintenance.  Try to rise with the sun and get outside and start moving.  This will help create a serge in serotonin levels which will help you feel good, help regulate appetite and empower you to feel capable of your goals.  You don't need to start by running a marathon.  Begin slowly with 15 minutes of interval training a day.  Get your heart rate up and rest in between sets.  As you improve your cardiovascular health you can increase your workout.  The good news is regular exercise will also stabilise cholesterol levels.  If the morning is not a good time for you then always take a brisk walk after dinner.  This will deepen you sleep level which in turn will assist with weight loss.

  • Love Your Liver

Your Liver helps to excrete fatty substances including the stored fat you want to lose.  A healthy liver will function properly.  To keep your liver healthy, cut down on alcohol, caffeine and sugar.  Be mindful to reduce chemicals and toxins in your life.  Eat organic foods and use chemical free skincare products.

  • Breathe and Reduce Stress

We all know stress is harmful to our health but where does it fit into weight loss?  Stress causes you to produce excess cortisol, the stress hormone.  Cortisol sends the message to every cell in your body that there is no more food left.  This can slow down your metabolism, making you hang onto fat stores and prompt you to eat more.  For women cortisol can also shut down adrenal progesterone production.  Progesterone is a powerful anti-anxiety agent, antidepressant, diuretic and an essential hormone for burning excessive fat stores for energy.  

The key to successful weight loss is to start an eating plan that you can sustain for the long term.  Don't journey alone.  If your weight loss could do with a boost The House of Healing can offer you guidance to promote optimal long term health.  We offer the advice you need to key nutritional supplementation.  Improve your energy, health and wellbeing. 

Make and appointment with our qualified staff today by phoning +61 8 8431 9288

Available from The House of Healing • 62 Dulwich Avenue • Dulwich 5065
 Phone + 61 8 8431 9288 • www.thehouseofhealing

Monday, 30 July 2012


Are you toxic?

We've heard this term hundreds of times before but how can we be sure we need to detoxify?  Cleansing and detoxifying is not just a new fad, for centuries various cultures have valued therapies that promote this concept.  It has been recognised by traditional health care systems around the world that toxins accumulate in the body and cause various health problems.

So what are some of the tell tale signs that your body is in toxic overload?  If you experience any of the following symptoms it might be time to start thinking detox:

     *  Constantly tired or lethargic

     *  Regular stomach upsets including bloating, diarrhoea or constipation

     *  Recurrent headaches

     *  Muscle aches and pains

     *  Poor concentration and short term memory

     *  Allergies or sensitivities

     *  Depression, anxiety and/or mood swings

Our Toxic Planet

Today we have become increasingly exposed to toxic compounds in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat and even the soil our food grows in.  Our morning shower sprays us with chlorine and fluoride, we wash our hair with shampoo that contains sodium laurel sulfate, add conditioner that contains more perfumes, preservatives and parabens, use an antiperspirant deodorant that contains aluminium and then we reach for our cosmetic bag that is no doubt full of products containing petroleum products and formaldehydes.  This list goes on.  Before we know it we've exposed ourselves to hundreds of chemicals and we haven't even got to the breakfast table.  So where are all these toxins supposed to go?

The good news is that your body has an extremely sophisticated detoxification system that works around the clock to filter out and eliminate any materials that can cause harm. Our liver, lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and skin all work to eliminate toxins.  The bad news is that your body can become overburdened with accumulated toxins.  If you have been experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above then it may be time to consider a detox program that's right for you.

The Benefits of Detoxification

A detox diet allows us to focus on self healing.  The goal of detoxification is to promote an overall feeling of health and wellness.  When toxins accumulate they can slow our metabolism, rob us of energy and effect our immunity, all of which can lead to disease.  By restoring balance we can expect to feel greater energy levels, improve our digestive health, boost concentration, feel more in control of our moods and boost the immune system and prevent premature aging and disease.  With all these benefits its well worth considering a healthy step-by step program to put that spring back in your step!

Safe and Effective Detoxification

Detoxification can be very unpleasant for some people and potentially harmful if it is not done correctly.  Detoxification shouldn't be a fad diet that starves your body of vital nutrients, or becomes complicated and difficult to follow.  The most effective detoxification program is one that is gradual and gentle and aids your bodys natural process of elimination.  The two golden rules to remember when detoxifying are simple:

     *  Decrease Toxic Exposure

This means internally and externally.  Be aware of what harmful products you use in and around the home.  Focus on consuming only fresh organic produce and cut down on processed foods including trans fats and refined sugars.  Avoid all additives and preservatives. Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, soft drinks, dairy and fruit juices.

     *  Increase Toxin Removal

This means supporting and encouraging the liver, lungs, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract by choosing natural methods.  Think about adequate water, breathing, movement and lifestyle. 

Here are some other key points to consider when choosing an effective detoxification program:

     *  Choose a Whole Body Cleansing Program, this not only focuses on the liver and colon but cleanses the blood and lymph as well.

     *  Keep Things Regular without harsh laxatives that can leave you feeling more drained and fatigued.

     *  Supplement with Beneficial Bacteria, probiotics can help create a healthier environment in the gastrointestinal tract while prebiotics promote the growth of beneficial bacteria

     *  Use Healing Herbs and Nutrients that are specifically formulated to clean all of the organs of the body

     *  Rest, Relaxation and Adequate Sleep, are vital for your body to heal.

     *  A Body Cleanse Starts in the Mind, prepare yourself mentally for a greater chance of success.

Talk to us today about which personalised detoxification plan is right for you.  Herbs and nutrients can play a vital role in supporting your body's key elimination systems.  We can recommend dietary tips that can reduce your toxic overload and increase your vitality. 

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Mouth Health

The Dirtiest Place on the Body

It is common knowledge that one of the dirtiest parts of the body is not the colon or bowels – but the mouth.  The back of the tongue is literally teeming with pathogenic micro-organisms.  The problem is that few people use a toothbrush to remove these bacteria, and even if the tongue were to receive a thorough scrubbing, many would remain and quickly repopulate the mouth.
The Heart Disease Link:
At the 2001 annual session of the American College of Cardiology, researchers were stunned by new research that showed that gingivitis is actually linked to heart disease.  “There is sufficient evidence to conclude that oral lesions, especially advanced periodontopathies, place certain patients at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke,” stated Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD, of the University of Pennsylvania.   The same oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis that causes gum disease also contributes to the inflammation along arterial damage that leads to heart and vascular disease.

Copper Tongue Scrapers
Why scrape the tongue with copper?  There are small buds on the back of the tongue known as papillae. If you look at the back of your tongue closely, you'll see that it's not at all flat. Inside these grooves live small bacteria, and these act as the main cause of bad breath or halitosis.  This bacteria does not receive sufficient oxygen as they're buried within the ridges of your tongue.

Copper has been known to naturally fight bacteria and plaque for centuries.  Regular tongue scraping with a copper scraper is a cheap, healthy means of keeping your breath fresh and your mouth healthy.  Copper is also smoother and more gentle on the tongue.

Thieves Denatarome Toothpaste

This toothpaste is formulated with pure, natural, edible ingredients such as vegetable glycerine, sodium bicarbonate, ionic minerals and stevioside - a natural intensely sweet extract from a tropical plant native to South America.

In addition Denatarome uses an exclusive formula of uniquely antiseptic, antimicrobial therapeutic grade essential oils to combat plague causing microorganisms.

Denatarome leaves the mouth fresh, fragrant and clean as it  is a high powered, essential oil toothpaste with a special two part essential oil system that has:-

  • Anti stain, whitening enzymes
  • Time released essential oil mouthwash
  • Therapeutics grade essential oil blend of clove, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon and eucalypt
The low abrasion formula contains the smallest particle size commercially available of calcium carbonate and zinc oxide with special tartar control agents.

Ionic Toothbrush - Light Activated
Contains a light-activated titanium rod. Uses a semi-conducting rod which cleans teeth better.  Light years ahead. Helps Remove dental plague and stains leaving your teeth like clean porcelain all day long, with no furry build up.

A Revolution in Dental Care
It looks like an ordinary toothbrush, but closer examination reveals a rod that runs through the replaceable bristle head and into the handle.

The Benefits of Using Soladey:
Bacteria in plaque attack food, producing acid. This acid causes bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease. Normally, saliva neutralises this action. But when plaque builds up, it acts as a barrier, preventing the neutralising action of the saliva. According to clinical studies, the Soladey-Eco can stop this plaque buildup. Working with saliva, the brush controls the bacteria responsible for plaque.

  • The Ionic Process is activated simply by light and water.
  • Requires little or no toothpaste.
  • Works on tough dental stains, encourages whiter teeth.

Soladey Advantages:

  • Convenient to keep in your car, bag, and child's lunchbox.
  • Ideal for travel, camping, outdoor use, or where water is unavailable.
  • Cleans and refreshes dentures and braces.
  • Light and handy to carry, no electrical cords or batteries.

Soladey's Effective Action:

  • Research shows that this ionic toothbrush is more effective for plaque removal then an ordinary toothbrush.
  • Ionic action in the saliva is naturally antibacterial and continues after brushing.

Environmentally Friendly Soladey:

  • Brush handle and titanium dioxide rod can last a lifetime.
  • Uses economical changeable brush heads.
Replacement heads now available with Tapered Bristles

Tapered Bristles provide added benefits of deeper cleansing between the gum line. This metal rod is the secret to Soladey-Eco. It is made of a patented semi-conductor that when activated by light produces electrons that help remove dental plaque. 

In Japan over 2 million Soladey-Eco toothbrushes and 5 million replacement heads are sold each year!

How It Works:

When exposed to any light source (a fluorescent bathroom light, a plain light bulb, or sunlight), the photo-sensitive titanium rod inside Soladey-Eco converts light into negatively charged electrons (ions). The rod releases the ions, which blend with saliva to attract positive (hydrogen) ions from the acid in the dental plaque.

Once the acid is neutralised, plaque disintegrates - the natural and scientific approach to a cleaner and healthier mouth! Toothpaste is not required as water (saliva) is the active ingredient - oral hygiene now becomes not only natural, but also economical!

Soladey-Eco Toothbrushes

To keep your Soladey-Eco toothbrush operating at maximum efficiency, replace the brush portion regularly, as often as you would replace a standard toothbrush.

How to use the Soladey-Eco toothbrush:

After wetting the bristles and semi-conductor with water, brush your teeth lightly and thoroughly in the same way as with an ordinary toothbrush. You may, if you wish, use a very small amount of your preferred toothpaste on the bristles, although this is not necessary with Soladey-Eco. Make certain there is always adequate light source (natural or artificial) on the semi-conductor rod as this is necessary for activation. If necessary the mouth should be kept partly open. With sensible care, the handle and rod will last for years, requiring only inexpensive replacement heads. The replacement heads provide all the benefits of the Soladey-Eco at a comparable cost of a regular toothbrush.

Reasons for using SOLADEY-Eco:

Actually reduces bacteria that cause cavities by the natural cleansing action of safe, free electrons emitted from the revolutionary solar conducting rod
Through superior cleaning ability, plaque adhesion to your teeth is reduced photoelectronically
Effective plaque removal is possible with or without toothpaste; ordinary light activates the patented semi-conductor rod and cleans your teeth without abrasives
With sensible care, the handle and rod will last a lifetime, requiring only inexpensive replaceable heads. The replacement heads provide all the benefits of the Soladey-Eco at a comparable cost of a regular toothbrush. Available in a pack of 4.


Soladey Scientific Trials

Canadian Trial
A blind, two-way crossover clinical trial was carried out by the College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan, Canada with 80 high school children of both sexes aged 13-16 years. The aim of the study was to compare the plaque removing ability of the Soladey toothbrush with a toothbrush of identical appearance but with an imitation bar made of synthetic resin (control brush) in place of the semi-conductor. Both groups were advised to use the brushes according to manufacturer's instructions for a period of 3 weeks using a small amount of a standard toothpaste which was provided.

The results of this study indicate that the Soladey toothbrush had better plaque removing ability, especially on the buccal surfaces of all teeth, than the control brush without the semi-conductor. Hoover JN, Singer DL, Pahwa P and Komiyama K: Clinical evaluation of a light energy conversion toothbrush J Clin Periodontal 1992: 19: 434-436

Japanese Trial
A study was carried out by the Department of Preventative and Community Dentistry, Nippon Dental University at Tokyo with 60 adult female subjects who were dental hygiene school students. One group (32) used the Soladey and another (28) used a conventional toothbrush (control). The subjects' oral conditions were examined 1, 2 and 3 weeks later using five standardised tests.

After the third week there was a significant improvement in gingivitis and oral cleanliness in the group using the Soladey compared with the control group.   Moto Niwa and Masaomi Kukuda: Clinical Study on the control of dental plaque using photo energy conversion in a toothbrush equipped with a TiO2 semi-conductor Shigaku Vol 77 NO2:   August 1989